Brad Hart
3 min readDec 30, 2020

In all information consumption we must hold the following beliefs.

We will never know 100% truth.

Everyone has biases (including us)

We can only accept something as truth until we see evidence to the contrary.

A lot of opinions do not point to truth, but a lot of informed, evidence based opinions that present both sides of an argument, might.

When considering information, we must consider the source and their agendas and biases.

If you are able to find the extremes, you are able to find the mean.

The truth is usually somewhere in between.

Life is a lot about seeking balances, but you must visit the extremes to find them.

Nature seeks harmony so so should we.

So for example, in the case of the news, try to seek opinions from multiple sources in multiple extremes, and a few in the middle as well, then based on facts and evidence, draw your own conclusions.

In investing, consider data that fits into a variety of categories, to form a mosaic rather than one data point (financials, technicals, price action, sentiment and news)

In relationships, focus on what brings you together not what tears you apart. But also don’t wear rose colored glasses, have the courage to stand up for your values.

That’s a great point, and probably should have went at the beginning, know what your values are.

This will help guide you to what is important and help you achieve your goals.

But like all forces in the human experience that create our destiny, values, beliefs, habits, environment… these can and will need to shift as life progresses and we learn more about ourselves, the world and our place in it.

When I encounter people who don’t seem to agree with this, for example, I know we will not have much in common

If you haven’t shifted some of your values around in your life, you’re stuck and likely not growing very much.

If you still have the same values you had in your teens in your thirties, it’s unlikely we will have a lot in common.

I’m not the same guy I was when I was 24 either.

So in short, know what you are about and what matters to you.

Pay attention to biases and you can safely omit most information that comes from the extremes, but also, the extremes inform where the mean might be.

Evidence is the key, look for evidence and informed opinions from multiple sources.

Everyone gets it wrong sometimes.

And everyone has their agendas, their goals, their incentives.

It’s ok to update your beliefs in the light of new information.

Try not to take anything personally.

And nobody knows 100% what’s true.

Because anything can change at any time, especially now.

I love you thank you.

- B

P.S. If you want to learn more peep the link in my bio. :)



Brad Hart

Entrepreneur, Investor, Author: Check out more awesome free stuff here: http://makemoremarbles.com